Purpose-driven consultants.
Not an oxymoron.
We are process specialists helping groups, organizations, and communities of all sizes collaborate for positive change. The focus might be an internal issue, a specific project, a strategic plan, training, or even a cross-sectoral initiative.

We bring powerful and proven visioning, strategy, leadership, team-building, and action-learning methods/tools that increase focus, effectiveness, cohesion, and impact. Questions, listening, dialogue, alignment, and emergence are core concepts in this work.

We share our diverse skills (e.g. communications, online engagement, data analysis, reporting, event design and delivery, graphic design) with clients in custom-built project teams. Effective and efficient project management is always guaranteed.
Transformative Projects
for People & Planet

Our Unique Focus: helping a better world come into being

We chose Engage For 2030 as our name to align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals , with a focus on SDG 17 (partnerships). Purpose is key for us and for our clients! 

We have a proven eight-level model of collaborative action (for alignment and to scale up impact) that rapidly improves performance on agreed key metrics, internally & externally. Learn all about it in Thinkpiece #1 on our resources page.

Founder & Principal Vince Verlaan is an award-winning thought and practice leader in facilitation & engagement, with strong policy creation, OD, strategic planning, communications, conflict resolution, & training/education skills. He is a creative, calm, and effective designer and facilitator of highly interactive meetings, workshops, forums, conferences, and processes addressing tough issues.

Partner Celeste D. Brito (Principal, the bloomproject; IAF board member and Member Experience Director) is a Europe-based facilitator, trainer, and change agent with a massive track record of capacity-building and social learning. Change Management, People Strategy, Social Interventions, Teamwork, and Leadership are some of her focus areas.  Learn more about her here https://www.linkedin.com/in/thebloomproject  

Our core values are expressed below, FYI (For Your Inspiration).

Core Values: what we believe in guides our actions.                         

Stewardship: protecting and restoring the local & global ecological systems on which life depends

Inclusion: ensuring that everyone who wishes to can have a meaningful voice on the issues & decisions that affect them

Social Equity: ensuring just & fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate & reach their full potential

Sustainable Prosperity: equitable, long-term economic activity meeting the needs of the population fairly, while minimizing environmental impacts

Reconciliation: establishing & maintaining mutually respectful relationships between Indigenous & non-Indigenous peoples, while showing respect for people of all cultures

Ongoing Learning: supporting the conscious & ongoing expansion of knowledge, skills, & insights by individuals, organizations & communities


  • Frankly, where we have arrived after the 2-day leadership and strategy retreat you designed, prepared for, and facilitated here in DC is well beyond what I thought possible. Everything you did ahead of time, choosing activities, framing discussions, etc., all of it was so key to the successes we had in the room. We are fortunate to work with you on our new strategy, and it is no surprise that the broader organization wants to work with you further.

    Darcie Mersereau, VP, Special Olympics International, Washington, DC
  • The recent Best Brains Exchange (BBE) stakeholder event in Ottawa on ‘A Path Forward for the Assisted Human Reproduction Act’ was deemed to be a great success based on feedback from participants. This was in large part due to your insightful advice in advance, and to excellent event design, preparation, communication, and facilitation skills. The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) look forward to more such collaborations with you and team.

    Michelle Peel, Acting DG, Science, Knowledge Translation and Ethics Branch, CIHR, Ministry of Health, Govt of Canada, Ottawa, Canada

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